Wednesday, August 6, 2008


Lately I have been bemoaning the fact that people don’t update their blogs more frequently. And that more people don’t have blogs. I like blogs. Sort of. If they’re not boring. You get to know what people are up to without the pesky inconvenience of talking to them. When you do have to talk to them though, you can refer to happenings in their blog without them ever having really told you, and you seem magical.

Anyway, it felt hypocritical to complain so much about people not writing blogs when I don’t have one myself. So here it is.


I wonder if all blogs start out analyzing blogs, and then laying out one’s reasons for starting one.

Because you can’t really start a blog with “I went to the market today, and it was super-crowded and an old lady bought 8 pineapples and a pair of knee-highs.” Because that in itself doesn’t seem like enough of a catalyst to start sharing your life with the world, odd though it may be.

And you can’t start it with “I just got this promotion and cast in a TV show and my baby invented time,” because then it just seems like you’re looking for attention. But, then again, what is a blog but a desperate plea for attention? “My life means something. The things I do are significant. Pay attention to me.”

So, yeah. Sometimes I do things. Sometimes I see things. They are usually fun.

Here are some highlights of my week:

-There is a church near my apartment that does some extended churchbellery at 6pm. As I walked by on my way to rehearsal I was almost positive it was playing the Jurassic Park theme. Bong bong bong bong bong. Bong bong bong bong bong. Bong bong bong bong bong, bong bong boooooong! It turned out to be some hymn that just has a similar strain, but it was amusing to imagine brachiosauruses filing into the pews in their Sunday best.

-When I walked by IHOP on Sunday, they announced over the loudspeaker, “Tristan, party of 2.” It was really hard for me not to go in. I felt guilty for a minute for just walking by.

-A lady got on the bus yesterday, and then suddenly there was an apple next to her. I’m not sure if it was there already and I hadn’t noticed it, or if she dropped it, or put it there, or what, but there it was. Lolling around on its own little bus seat. The bus gradually filled up, and people would head for the seat, and then see the apple and continue on. By the time we got on Lake Shore, there was exactly one more seat than there were people, so the apple remained undisturbed, free to enjoy the priority seating usually reserved for the handicapped and elderly.

- Played poker last night, and ended up turning a profit of a cool four dollars. Playing from 11pm to 3 am, I figure that puts me at about the same pay rate as an immigrant strawberry-picker.

That’s all for now. Pay attention to me.


JF said...

Dinosaurs are much better with accessories.

JF said...

Also, I've added your blog to my RSS reader so I'll know exactly when you post something new. YAY!

H is for hOWIE said...

Those are the absolute best dinasaurs that I have ever seen!

Sarah said...

Yay new blog cous....

I'm on livejournal.... and need to start updating